Wednesday, March 9, 2011

12.Evaluation – Seven Questions including public feedback

Evaluation tasks of the main task.
In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

The title or ‘Master Head’ of my magazine which is called ‘NOISE’ is very different to how many other people have set up their master head in the magazine world to make the title appear how it looks I only used two white lines to emphasis the word noise and the slogan ‘come feel the noise’ has a patterned outer glow to help to catch attention.

As you can see my title is different from many of the other magazine titles out there which will help to advertise my magazine as many of the other magazine use red, black and white as they are the most common colours to see in a music magazine as you can see below.

As you can see all but kerrang have red, Black and white as kerrang is just black and white but a different logo is red and white. i used Q and NME's designs on many occasions with the colour scheme.
As my magazine doesn’t use these colours it there fore in this context at least is different from the other magazine on the market which will mean many people will want to buy it as if it is different than it will be a new Non-mainstream brand.
The image I was trying to get across in this picture was that the band is a playful sort and enjoys what they do and don’t just want the money they respect their fans which is different from many of the bands out currently by playful it would make them seem more real and not celebs but normal people as the caption on this image in the magazine is timber which shows that they can point fun at themselves.

In many cases of the other images the magazine that they are more fun and with some proper shots like the cover page and the contents page on the double page spread though I have more fun images to show the bands true intentions as the cover and contents pages are there to show that the band can show off but they tend not to.

In many of my photos I have been more interested in the movement of the people involved in the images than the actual background of the image as I wanted to capture the band at natural moments not moving them and forcing them to pose in a specific way.

The costumes and props used in the images are as follows:
A Microphone - i used this to show who the signer was and that they are real
A Guitar - same as above but for the guitar instead
Ushanka - russian military hat i used this to show the quirky nature of the band
Long black coat - nearly trench coat length i used this to as above but also to show that seb was strange
Shirt - white to show that seb does like to dress up smartly
Tie - white inch wide associated with the MOD community this is therer to show the multi genre
With all of these seperate parts of costumes it shows the multi-division of the music they play.
Are the costumes and props that were mainly used plus the clothing that the two other band members wore that was their own I used the costumes to make the main person stand out against the others and to help set up his personage as a smart dresser and that he likes wearing smarter clothes as he thinks that they are cool the other two were dressed as a rocker sort of dress or punk/grunge although the band themselves don’t actually have a genre.

As you can see in this image you can see everything as the Guitar is in the background and the microphone in Sebs hand and the dress sense like said is plainly seen here.

Left to right: Tilly, Seb and Sarah
As you can see in this image the three people involved in the images as named above.

The title style I used is trying to match the personage of the band with bright colours and big letters like on the double page spread with the band title.
This helps to keep attention on the band as the colours are the same as the outline of the band and the boxes on the contents page which confirms that this band is the same band as of the front cover.

The written content used it that of an interview but at the beginning it has a more introduction theme to help people to learn more about the band as the introduction says everything you ever wanted to know about this band

As you can see on the above cutting I have a drop letter and the band name is again coloured to help people to remember the name and I have made the members of the public feel that they are involved in this interview and that they are connected with the band.

I personal don’t believe that my music magazine has any specific genre as I don’t really believe that any magazine should fully give them selves to any specific genre as then they give up some of their target market and the profits that could or should come from it as I included many different genres and my main band doesn’t have a specific genre they play them all.

The people I used in these image I tried to match their personalities in real life to match the ones of the band members as all three of the people involved are actually fun loving people who do like that sort of music and dress that way on regular basis and as they all get along it seemed a good idea to use them as a fun-loving band.

As you can see this is from the front cover and it has the main band then a pop band, followed by a rock band and finally a rap artist which is a way of allowing all artists and genres to be included.
The layout that was used is there for easy access and reading for the magazine as then more and more people will see the easy reading of the magazine and will want to read it and tell their friends this also opens up the younger market for the magazine as younger children who like music will find the magazine easy to read so more people will read it and share it to their friends who then buy it. The teenage and the older market will also love this magazine as it does not show or force anything onto its readers.

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

As you can see in these images I tried to get the same sort of image as the one next to it as in both images as they are standing next to each other as a large band to show the connection that they share as in both pictures they are looking at the camera and hence the reader of the magazine
The main and obvious differences are the fact that in the NME picture they band are much closer together than in my picture also the entire bodies from the knee up from the muse band are visible unlike mine where the arm of Mathilde is missing.

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
The companies that would be interested in publishing my magazine are Bauer and IPC media as they are both for runners in the music magazine publishing industry as the company Bauer have titles in the music magazine business such as Empire, Q, Kerrang and Mojo which are top sellers in the industry but IPC media have NME which is also a big seller.
The company that would be most interested in the magazine would be Bauer as they want to dominate the business but IPC might want it to help to build up their portfolio of magazines.
The process that you would need to go through is as follows:   

Send a letter to the magazine company requesting a pitch and that you are interested in their business.
Go to the pitch and present the ideas the cover and anything that they might like in the magazine and why they need it.
Start to write first issue hire the staff you need and bands to star in the magazine.
Hope pilot issue sells well as that could be your breaking point
Issue sells well you have a good market share people flock to your magazine issues.

Who would be the audience for your media product?
The audience I have targeted with his magazine is every one and any one who likes good music and doesn’t have a particular genre that they want to listen to but love bands that include all bits and bobs of the industry all but the hardcore stuff like the beep whistle songs.
The audience would have a particular style as they would shop in places like peacocks but occasionally go to more expensive shops like designer brands e.g.: lambretta. They would listen to any bands so for example one song they like could be by the killers then followed by fall out boy then to biffy clyro and finish with songs from lesser known bands like lordi who are from a different country. There favourite TV programme would be mix between music channels, documentaries and comedy/cartoons like Family Guy. They also would like to watch movies and horror films or action and finally they would have to be able to play any console or a console as they have many different tastes in games from music to FPS [First Person Shooter].

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
From making this magazine I have learnt how to use Photoshop effectively and how to use a camera to the best that it can be used to in the art of photography to get some brilliant pictures like the one below.

 As you can tell when I used the camera I tried to get the band in a easy place and a well placed spot to take the photo’s.
Also I have learnt about many different filters to use on camera or on photos in Photoshop as you can tell from the slogan.

Looking back at your preliminary task (the school magazine task), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

As you can see below in my first pages for preliminary tasks I used too many bright colours and mostly at the wrong times as you can see below the contents page is very bright and attracts attention but is hard to look at and read below the preliminary pictures are the new ones you can see the differences are quite obvious as the old magazine covers are too colourful so I fixed this by reducing the colours I used on the contents and didn’t really used any extra colour on the cover but the effects on the cover are still eye-catching to the general public.             

Customer feedback from the magazine ‘NOISE’.

Does this magazine catch your attention?

Would you buy this magazine if you saw it on a shelf?

What genre would you say this magazine’s music is in?
Heavy Metal
R n B

All of them

Is 1.99 to much for this magazine?

Do you like the colour scheme?

Does this magazine appeal to you?

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