Tuesday, March 15, 2011

8.(Main Task) ConceptTreatmentJustification


I am going to create a new music magazine called ‘Crashed’ which will be for the other music genres not covered by the other magazines like ‘Kerrang’ ‘Mojo’ and ‘Q’ but as they are all big sellers we will need to appeal to the people who aren’t to other keen to look at Kerrang as they don’t do there music.

The possible names or title that I have thought of for this music included ‘Crashed’ ‘Fire’ and ‘Psycho’ but ‘Crashed’ seem to be the one that will give off the best image as it doesn’t give its self to any particular genre so I could include any music genre that I wanted to included.
The magazine will include interviews including Q & As with new and big bands so that we can get a large spectrum of music and of bands so more people will be willing to buy the magazine as I have already said this doesn’t dedicate its self to any genre.
The ideas of this magazine is to tell people that there are many different genres other then the rock that Kerrang demonstrate also this magazine is to make everyone fall in love with music with some great bands of either the oldies or even up and including the modern day.
The target audience will be ages of ten plus up till 60 as I will be planning to include all music even some from the 60’s up to the 2010 it will be for both genders and as I have said it will included as many music genres as possible.
The name crashed does not actually sound like it belongs to any specific music genres so it would be a good name but the downside is people may think that it is a banger racing magazine not a music magazine so we may not have a big profit on the magazine.
This name suggests a kind of heavy metal musical genre or rock which is not what I want to show in my magazine an extra point its that the name is out of the ordinary and wouldn’t be an easy magazine to miss.
As with psycho this is another name that sounds like it belongs to a specific genre and is not a free name but again it is a easy name to see.
This is a name that again doesn’t give its self to any specific genre but the downside is it loses its one word name so it’s not short and simple.
Again it doesn’t totally give itself to any genre but it does sound like it’s a RnB magazine which not the look I wish to get across.

Each page not including the front or contents will have at least 2 pictures of the band in question and at least 400 words including funny quotes from either the interview or from what the text says as this will get the readers interested into the magazine.
For my front cover I will be using many of the all ready conventions for example I will have a main image and a master head I will also include some tagline which are very important as they help to tell people what is in the magazine and its help to get more people to buy the magazine.
The tone that I will be using will be a humorous one where I can and if I cant it will be still be an informal tone to help people to be interested and feel more comfortable reading the magazine as they will feel that the magazine is being friendly and talking to them directly.
The new magazine will be able to sell on the market as it can be changed easily and it has every genre in the magazine so it will be easier to sell to the people who don’t want to buy a magazine which is all about one genre not about many genres so that we can appeal to many different people.
This music magazine will appeal to every body as I am planning to use as many genres as possible in my magazine to make sure that I can cover everybody in the music industry so we can sell as many magazines to the people who want to read about all of the industries finest and newest bands as I will use as many genres I will be covering all the music genres.
The challenges that can foresee in this production is at the beginning as we will need to sell a lot of magazines in order to get the business going and to get people interested in buying  this brand of magazine as many  of the big companies have already got their market share in the business as  they have been set up and running for a little while or a long while so people already trust them and rely on them to give them the latest in music and other developments another problem would be the fact that we would need to come up with a name for the new bands and eventually decide on a magazine name.
The main costs would be for the printing and for the free prize give away that would be in each special occasion print but these would be sorted as you can use the profits from the business to buy the prizes time constraints could be the fact of taking the photos for the magazine and printing off a new magazine every 1-2 weeks as we would need to print off enough for all the place which would want to sell them.
My magazine will make a profit as we will be cheaper then the other magazines by a little bit as we will be cheaper we will sell more so we will earn more money so this will help us to earn extra and more money on the business so we can fund what we need to buy like the prizes and to get bands to allow us to interview them which we will need to pay them To be interviewed by us. This will be the quickest way to make profits will be to sell more and loads of magazines so as I have said before we will appeal to every genre and age to make sure that many people will buy the magazine to learn and remember the bands that they love and will love.

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