Wednesday, March 16, 2011

My music magazine the final production



Contents page

Doublepage spread

1. (Preliminary Tas) Cover-page-JPEG format

2. (Preliminary Task) Contents-page-JPEG format

3.(Preliminary Task) Evaluation

Evaluation of magazine ‘FOCUS’.

The task involved making an educational magazine for a school about anything that you want to but you needed 2 pages the front page and the contents page. The cover page needed to include title/ master head, cover line, image, tag line, barcode, date, issue number and model credit all of those needed to be on the front cover of the magazine.

The research that went into this magazine was that I looked at other magazines and asked people from my class who were working on their magazines as well what they thought of the magazine and put their tips into the magazine to improve it to the standards of the people who would be most likely to buy the magazine.

The resources that are available are Photoshop and cameras I used both of these resources in my magazine as the picture I took using a camera and Photoshop which was used to make the magazine in general. I need to changed many things in the front cover like the colour that I used as I was told that the colour wasn’t eye catching so I changed it to match the colour of the football strip.

I also used but I didn’t use any of the magazines that they had on show as none of them appealed to what I was going to do in the magazine cover as none of them were the same forte of the one that I have done above.

I resolved any problems as I have said above by asking the people who I think would be most likely to purchase the magazine and what they would like to see on a magazine, other problems included log on, email and as I have said the colour was resolved with asking people how they felt.
The other products that are available that could be competition for my magazine are: Sky sports magazine, match and shoot  

As you can see in this the magazine on the left is the professional magazine and the one on the right is my magazine as you can see the left one is based for children as it is very colourful and has simple text which children would find very interesting as they can read it quickly while mine is more based for people who would follow one team and would just like to know important information.

 I can see my magazine being very successful as I have said it is based around one team and offers important information on the league tables and what famous player use when they play football and information about famous footballers and how they achieved their greatness and how they learnt how to play and how they where discovered. 

The other Magazine has good points as it has a large market of smaller children and different people to sell to plus they have a simpler format so the children will be more interested in their magazine and not in mine but as I am targeting more older people in the market as it is a more information magazine

5.(Main Task) Storyboard Mock-up

This is the original idea for my magazine as you can see it has basic information on it including a stick idea for the picture on the front cover. We can also see annotations to allow me to see in more detail the rough idea for the front cover.

This I the second idea for my front cover as you can clearly see the major pictures including the smaller pictures along the side of the page in the top right hand corner. We can also see annotations to allow me to see in more detail the rough idea for the front cover.

4 (Main Task) Music Industry Research

Music magazine research

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

6.(Main Task) Photo-shoot Planning

Photo-shoot planning
For this photo shot I want to get some good photos of the band all together to try and show the unification of the group but I also want some fun photos like them playing around or just messing around with the instruments to make it seem that they are a play full sort and that they like to have fun with their work on which they are doing.
The sort of band I want them to look like is the cover page of Kerrang with biffy clyro 

As you can see from the above image the band in this cover are showing connection with the reader of the magazine but are also have a sort of play and enjoying them selves at the same time this is the sort of set up I want my band to have when they are on the front cover.

But this idea may change in accordance to the light that I have available at the time not to mention the time zones that I have available in the photo shoot set lesson.